今日は俺たちテストないけど情報科とかがテストあったみたいで俺らも2校時でした。さすがに午前なのに部活は行きたくないので部活はお休みしました。帰りに友達とGEOやら吉野家やら行きました。んで友達の家行って遊んで今日は終わり。あーそだ、英語と数学I帰って着ました。52点と57点だったぜだっはー。ボロボロだな…でもまぁ赤点じゃなきゃいいや!!評定2じゃなきゃいいや!!最近聞きまくってるエヴァの映画の主題歌。Komm,susser tod 〜甘き死よ、来たれです。聞いててどういう意味なのかなーと調べてみました。
 I know, I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself
 I thought that I could live for no one else
 But now thought all the hurt & pain It's time for me to respect
 the ones you love mean more than anything
 So with sadness in my heart (I)feel the best thing I could do
 is end it all and leave forever
 what's done is done it feel so bad what once was happy now is sad
 I'll never love again my world is ending

 I wish tkat I could turn back time cos now the guilts is all mine
 can't live without the trust from those you love
 I know we can't forget the past you can't forget love & pride
 because of that, it's kill in my inside

 It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tombling down
 It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
 In my haert of hearts I know that I called never love again
 I've lost everything everything everything that matters to me, matters in this world

 I wish tkat I could turn back time cos now the guilts is all mine
 can't live without the trust from those you love
 I know we can't forget the past you can't forget love & pride
 because of that, it's kill in my inside

 It all returns to nothing, it just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tombling down
 It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
 It all returns to nothing, it just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tombling down
 It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down

